Young Researcher Overseas Visits Program for Vitalizing Brain Circulation: Triangulation Project for the Understanding of Asian and African Areas
What's new
[March 31,2013]
Our program was completed on March 31, 2013.
We would like to thank everyone who made this program possible through their cooperation and commitment.
[March 31,2013]
Our "Triangulation Project" organized three international seminars.
Thank you for attending!
Sunday 10th March 2013 ZUNO International Seminar
Friday 15th March 2013 Zuno International Seminar
Friday 15th February 2013 Zuno International Seminar
[December 9,2011]
Our "Triangulation Project" co-organized an international symposium with ITP (December 2-3, 2011) and
an international conference with GCOE (December 4-6, 2011).
For detail, see the following homepages.
[June 1, 2011]
A Japanese website has been set up.
February 1, 2011

The young researcher NISHIMOTO Noa, who is to be dispatched to an overseas research institute under this project, has been awarded the first Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Ikushi Prize! The Ikushi Prize was established to commemorate the 20th year of the reign of His Majesty the Emperor. In the presence of their Majesties the Emperor and the Empress, Ms. Nishimoto received the Prize on behalf of all prizewinners at a ceremony at the Gakushiin (Japan Academy) in Ueno, Tokyo.