Guidelines for Contributors

Notice to Contributors / Guidelines for Contributors PDF
Guidelines for Contributors
1. Structure of the manuscript for submission
1) Manuscripts should be prepared as Microsoft Word files.
2) Papers should not be more than 15,000 words in length; research notes not more than 7,500 words; book reviews not more than 1,500 words; fieldwork news not more than 1,500 words. There is no limit on the number of figures, tables, and photographs in papers and research notes, but if the number is extremely large, the authors may be requested to delete them. The number of figures, tables, and photographs in fieldwork news is limited to four.
3) Papers and research notes should contain the title of the article, the English summary of 200 words, the text, notes, references, figures, tables, photographs and so on.
4) Book reviews clearly state the title of the book, the author, edition, the place of publication, the publisher, year, and pages.
5) Fieldwork news should contain the title of the article, the author’s name, the text, references, figures, tables, photographs and so on.
6) Figures (including photographs) should be created as JPEG, TIFF, PNG or other common image files (PowerPoint files are not accepted) and pasted at the desired insertion point in the text. The figure should be numbered, such as “Figure 1.” or “Photo 1.”, in the Word format under the figure pasted in the text, followed by the title of the figure and an explanation that can be understood without reading the text. Each figure must be cited in the text. The original file of each figure should be submitted separately from the manuscript file.
7) Tables should be created in Microsoft Word or Excel and pasted as image data at the desired insertion point in the text. The table should be numbered as “Table 1.” in the Word format above the table pasted in the text, followed by the title of the table and an explanation that can be understood without reading the text. Each table must be cited in the text. The original file of each table should be submitted separately from the manuscript file.
8) Manuscripts written in English should be submitted in complete English after proofreading by native English speakers.
9) Manuscripts should be sent to the editorial office; an original electronic file in Word format and a copy in PDF format should be submitted as an attachment to the E-mail. The file name should include only the date of submission and the title, but not the author name. The original files of the figures and tables should also be sent as a separate email attachment. The file names of figures and tables should be written as “Figure 1” or “Table 1” and the date of submission and the title of the subject should be added.
2. References in the text
All source references are to be identified at the appropriate point in the text by the last name of the author, year of publication and pagination where needed. The subsequent citations of the same source should be done in the same way as the first. ‘Ibid.’ or ‘loc. cit.’ should not be used. Examples follow:
1) If author’s name is not in the text:
[Tabata 1978: 147]
[Yoshida 1975a: 15-18]
[Tsubota 1979: Ch. IV]
[Fukuyama et al. 1979]
[Ohmae 1987; Johnson 1998]
[Robertson, H. 1979; Robertson, S. 1998]
2) If author’s name is in the text:
Yamakawa [1996]
3) If you cite your own work in your manuscript, make sure that reviewers will not be able to identify you.
3. List of references
Bibliographical references for literature cited should be collectively listed at the end of the paper. They should not appear in notes. Examples follow:
Burke, T. 1996. Lifebuoy Men, Lux Women: Commodification, Consumption, and Cleanliness in Modern Zimbabwe. Durham & London: Duke University Press.
Obeyesekere, G. 1980. The Rebirth Eschatology and its Transformations: A Contribution to the Sociology of Early Buddhism. In Wendy D. O’Flaherty ed., Karma and Rebirth in Classical Indian Traditions. Berkeley: University of California Press, pp. 137-164.
Journal articles:
Ingold, T. 1990. An Anthropologist Looks at Biology, Man (N. S.) 25(2): 208-229.
Bourdieu, P. 1990. The Logic of Practice, translated by Richard Nice. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Newspaper articles:
Techawongtham, Wasant. 2000 (June 23). People made to pay for mistakes, Bangkok Post.
NSC 41 1949 (Feb.28) Record Group 90 (National Archives/Washington, D.C.)
Online Documents:
Social Watch. <> (December 15, 1997)